Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Batman Gets His Shots

This morning my son had to get his kindergarden immunizations. Daddy & I decided not to tell him he was going to get shots until we got to the doctor's office. We did some brainstorming though on the best way to handle this with him that would bring about the least amount of fear on his part. In the past we have tried letting him bring his stuffed animal. Daddy thought that we could let him dress up in his batman costume (he loves super heroes) so that way "batman" could get his shots.

Side Story: We got to the clinic and when we were going in, my 3 1/2 year old daughter, as she does every time we go to see any doctor, asked, "Mommy, you going to have a baby boy and a baby girl?" Mommy reples, "No sweetheart. No way. That isn't why we are here." David then says, "Mommy you already had a baby Zoe?" Mommy says, "Yes. Mommy already had a baby, she is right there." Hahaha.

Anyways, we get there and we are waiting and waiting. Then they come out and ask for David. Daddy thought it would be best if just the two of them went back rather than all five of us. So, that is what they did. Daddy told him that he needed to get his shots for school but that he was batman and so he was strong like batman. Batman needed to get his shots. The nurse and Daddy distracted him the best they could by then saying, "Robin, Robin, Robin!" When she gave the shot. He didn't do too bad with the first one but then cried with the second one.

I always feel so awful having to hold my kids down like that when they are getting shots. I am glad though that they always give the nurse the evil-eye instead of Mom or Dad though.

VIEWS: I know there are many different views on immunizations. Personally, my husband and I agreed to wait until our last two children were 18 months+ before vaccinating them. We made this choice because of how sick my son got after each vaccination. My 3 1/2 year old daughter has not had any negative side effects or reactions from any vaccines like our son. I don't know if that is because we waited with her or if it is just because she is different and our youngest is not yet 1 year old, so she still has a while to wait. This was our personal choice.

What is your opinion? Vaccinate? Not Vaccinate?

If you do vaccinate or even just for other appointments for children that may be scary, what do you do to help them cope during that doctor visit? We chose to let our son wear a super hero costume. What about you?

1 comment:

  1. Since my son is my first, I decided to get him vaccinated. I was so worried and concerned that if I didn't, it would have negative side effects. So far, he hasn't gotten sick after any of the vaccinations, not even his flu shots. Like you said, maybe each child is different in how they react to vaccinations.

    My son loves to be recognized for positive reactions. When he does something good, I call him a good boy and clap my hands. Now, he does it along with me. So I do the same at his doctor appointments...I say let's be a good boy and get a shot. So after each shot, he would cry a little but would start to clap his hands. Plus, afterwards, we always go for a treat -- ice cream, lollipop, whatever. It just makes it a bit easier.
