My almost 5 year old son came up with a "great idea" the other day. And, just FYI I am a small woman for my families. I am 5 ft 4 inches.
Son: He said, "Mommy, hey, Mommy."
Mom: "Yeah, David?"
Son: "I got an idea!"
Mom: "What's your idea?"
Son: "You want to be a policeman?"
Mom: "No, Mommy does not want to be a policeman."
Son: "But Mommy, when you get bigger you can be a policeman."
Mom: "Sweetheart, Mommy doesn't want to be a policeman. I just want to be a Mommy."
Son: "But Mommy, you can be a policeman. You can be a policeman so you can catch the bad guys and put them in jail. You can be a policeman when you get bigger you can!"
Mom: "I have an idea. How about when you get bigger, you be a policeman and catch all the bad guys so that way Mommy doesn't have to."
Son: "Yeah, but you can be a policeman too when you get bigger and then we can all be policemen together!" *Proceeded by claps and cheers."
He is too funny. All I could do was hug him and kiss him.
I have many different roles but the general names I am known as is wife and mom. I love my family and do my best to do my best. I do not claim to be perfect but I always strive to be so even though I know I never will be. I love God and want to live to please Him. I do not claim to be a great representation of Christ but I do serve Him. I have my ups and my downs; on the other side of each mountain is another valley, I walk through both.

Thursday, January 10, 2013
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Batman Gets His Shots
This morning my son had to get his kindergarden immunizations. Daddy & I decided not to tell him he was going to get shots until we got to the doctor's office. We did some brainstorming though on the best way to handle this with him that would bring about the least amount of fear on his part. In the past we have tried letting him bring his stuffed animal. Daddy thought that we could let him dress up in his batman costume (he loves super heroes) so that way "batman" could get his shots.
Side Story: We got to the clinic and when we were going in, my 3 1/2 year old daughter, as she does every time we go to see any doctor, asked, "Mommy, you going to have a baby boy and a baby girl?" Mommy reples, "No sweetheart. No way. That isn't why we are here." David then says, "Mommy you already had a baby Zoe?" Mommy says, "Yes. Mommy already had a baby, she is right there." Hahaha.
Anyways, we get there and we are waiting and waiting. Then they come out and ask for David. Daddy thought it would be best if just the two of them went back rather than all five of us. So, that is what they did. Daddy told him that he needed to get his shots for school but that he was batman and so he was strong like batman. Batman needed to get his shots. The nurse and Daddy distracted him the best they could by then saying, "Robin, Robin, Robin!" When she gave the shot. He didn't do too bad with the first one but then cried with the second one.
I always feel so awful having to hold my kids down like that when they are getting shots. I am glad though that they always give the nurse the evil-eye instead of Mom or Dad though.
VIEWS: I know there are many different views on immunizations. Personally, my husband and I agreed to wait until our last two children were 18 months+ before vaccinating them. We made this choice because of how sick my son got after each vaccination. My 3 1/2 year old daughter has not had any negative side effects or reactions from any vaccines like our son. I don't know if that is because we waited with her or if it is just because she is different and our youngest is not yet 1 year old, so she still has a while to wait. This was our personal choice.
What is your opinion? Vaccinate? Not Vaccinate?
If you do vaccinate or even just for other appointments for children that may be scary, what do you do to help them cope during that doctor visit? We chose to let our son wear a super hero costume. What about you?
Side Story: We got to the clinic and when we were going in, my 3 1/2 year old daughter, as she does every time we go to see any doctor, asked, "Mommy, you going to have a baby boy and a baby girl?" Mommy reples, "No sweetheart. No way. That isn't why we are here." David then says, "Mommy you already had a baby Zoe?" Mommy says, "Yes. Mommy already had a baby, she is right there." Hahaha.
Anyways, we get there and we are waiting and waiting. Then they come out and ask for David. Daddy thought it would be best if just the two of them went back rather than all five of us. So, that is what they did. Daddy told him that he needed to get his shots for school but that he was batman and so he was strong like batman. Batman needed to get his shots. The nurse and Daddy distracted him the best they could by then saying, "Robin, Robin, Robin!" When she gave the shot. He didn't do too bad with the first one but then cried with the second one.
I always feel so awful having to hold my kids down like that when they are getting shots. I am glad though that they always give the nurse the evil-eye instead of Mom or Dad though.
VIEWS: I know there are many different views on immunizations. Personally, my husband and I agreed to wait until our last two children were 18 months+ before vaccinating them. We made this choice because of how sick my son got after each vaccination. My 3 1/2 year old daughter has not had any negative side effects or reactions from any vaccines like our son. I don't know if that is because we waited with her or if it is just because she is different and our youngest is not yet 1 year old, so she still has a while to wait. This was our personal choice.
What is your opinion? Vaccinate? Not Vaccinate?
If you do vaccinate or even just for other appointments for children that may be scary, what do you do to help them cope during that doctor visit? We chose to let our son wear a super hero costume. What about you?
Monday, January 7, 2013
Mixing 3 kids, mom, dad, and an attempted workout time...
So, my hubby and I did the Yoga X dvd from P90x. Let's just say we laughed A LOT! He is seriously lacking in flexibility but is much better than I am when it comes to stamina. I on the other hand am very flexible but am very much lacking stamina. You could say "together, we complete each other." haha. Maybe tomorrow will be easier! We are doing yoga for a month or so before we start the actual P90x schedule etc. We need to correct some muscle imbalances before we are ready for the actual program but it will make a huge difference doing the program together. Maybe in a few months I can post some before and after photos! Oh and did I mention we only lasted 40 minutes of the 1 1/2 hr yoga workout! If When I am able to finish the entire 1 1/2 hrs the challenge will be keeping the older two kids busy and getting the baby down for a nap so hopefully we can get the full time we need for the workout. Oh the joys of juggling! I have found motherhood has improved my multi-tasking skills but put a huge damper on my short-term memory! ha ha
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Baby Questions...
My 10 1/2 month old daughter had her first bad dream last night. I heard her wake up crying but her cry was different; she was scared. I walk in and even before I pick her up I am saying, "It's okay sweetheart. Mommy's here, Mommy's right here. It's okay." I pick her up and she looks at me, her eyes are wide, she is shaking, and I just wish I could snap my fingers and make it go away. So, I did the next best thing. I rocked her, rubbed her back, gave lots of kisses, hugs, and just kept talking to her, reassuring her that I was right there. And, I prayed for her, of course. She soon calmed down, went right back to sleep, and slept all night just fine.
This all happening added another question to my list that I will probably never have the answer to.
1. What do babies dream about?
2. When they have bad dreams, what could they at their young, innocent ages come up with that scares them?
3. Why are they always drawn to everything they are not suppose to have? (I think that question answers itself though. Seriously though, like the bathroom? That seems to be one of kids' favorite places to explore and play when they shouldn't.)
4. Why isn't a baby's first word his/her own name since that is the word they hear the most?
5. How do they forgive so easily?
6. When and how does the understanding of danger exactly hit them? (It seems like they are fearless for a long long while and then one day they somehow become more cautious.)
7. How is it that no matter where you go they can almost immediately spot the only child in the place?
8. How do they somehow have that ability to sense when you are stressed and tired?
9. Why can't we adults love so easily?
10. What are they thinking about when they look at you and laugh even though you aren't doing anything funny; or when they out of nowhere start crying; or when they are simply expressionless.
11. They don't know how to speak so are their thoughts pictures or sounds?
12. When babies look at each other what do they think?
Has anyone else wondered some of these same things, or is it just me? Maybe you all have had other wonderings as well. These are just the questions that I could remember off hand, and I am sure there are always many more.
This all happening added another question to my list that I will probably never have the answer to.
1. What do babies dream about?
2. When they have bad dreams, what could they at their young, innocent ages come up with that scares them?
3. Why are they always drawn to everything they are not suppose to have? (I think that question answers itself though. Seriously though, like the bathroom? That seems to be one of kids' favorite places to explore and play when they shouldn't.)
4. Why isn't a baby's first word his/her own name since that is the word they hear the most?
5. How do they forgive so easily?
6. When and how does the understanding of danger exactly hit them? (It seems like they are fearless for a long long while and then one day they somehow become more cautious.)
7. How is it that no matter where you go they can almost immediately spot the only child in the place?
8. How do they somehow have that ability to sense when you are stressed and tired?
9. Why can't we adults love so easily?
10. What are they thinking about when they look at you and laugh even though you aren't doing anything funny; or when they out of nowhere start crying; or when they are simply expressionless.
11. They don't know how to speak so are their thoughts pictures or sounds?
12. When babies look at each other what do they think?
Has anyone else wondered some of these same things, or is it just me? Maybe you all have had other wonderings as well. These are just the questions that I could remember off hand, and I am sure there are always many more.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
We just came home from a birthday party. The kids had a blast and are full of energy still and of course full of cake too. They do not get sweets very often, so when they do they get very excited. My almost 11 month old had one tiny taste of icing and actually didn't like it. I consider that a good thing! I would much rather her have cravings for healthier foods.
Anyways, the birthday party had me thinking of gifts and what a gift children are to any parent's life!
Psalm 127:3-5 (NLT)
"Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior's hands. How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them! He will not be put to shame when he confronts his accusers at the city gates."
Anyways, the birthday party had me thinking of gifts and what a gift children are to any parent's life!
Psalm 127:3-5 (NLT)
"Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior's hands. How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them! He will not be put to shame when he confronts his accusers at the city gates."
Friday, January 4, 2013
One of many best parts of being a MOM!
My almost 11 month old woke up from her nap earlier this afternoon and I hear her starting to cry and holler, "mama, mamama, mama!" I walk in there and she waves when I come in she says, "mama, mama". Then when I pick her up she gives me a big hug by grabbing my shoulders and laying her head on my shoulder while saying, "aaawww". Then she leans back, looks at me, then on my cheek plants that open-mouthed-slobbering kiss little ones always give, then pulls back again and smiles great big! Even though I may have spent three hours on the phone being frustrated about a big mess with the new health insurance plans and providers, even though I hadn't yet accomplished a fraction of what I wanted to, even though the day was chaotic, when your child gives you all that love everything else goes out the window!
A Mom's Must Have!
Origins Microfiber Tablecloth and Napkin - Bed Bath & Beyond
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this tablecloth! I consider this a must have for parents! It is much more beautiful than the vinyl tablecloths that you find around the seasonal times. Plus, it comes in 11 different colors and just about every size!
My kids have tested this tablecloth out and it works! My son was pouring himself a glass of grape juice and then while trying to put the lid back on the juice jug he bumped his cup and juice went across the table and all over the floor. No big deal though! The juice beaded up on top of the tablecloth, never soaking through, and wiped right off like it would on any hard surfac. Then afterward the tablecloth looked just as if it never had a spill on it. No scrubbing or stain removal required! They got spaghetti on it this evening and with just a damp cloth it came right off!

Good Morning? Maybe just Morning!
Wow, so I woke up, got the baby changed, dressed, fed, etc.. Got the other two kids breakfast and then spent all morning on the phone trying to work out stuff with their new health insurance plans. That is not how I wanted to spend 3 precious hours of the morning. Now, it is almost lunch time and I haven't even gotten to cleaning, dishes, laundry, etc... So much for getting the "Mom List", as I call it, completed. Maybe this afternoon will go smoother. Only time will tell!
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Markers, Messes, and Beauty...
If you are a mom then more than likely you will understand what I mean by the title of this post and the web address for my blog.
Markers, Messes and Beauty... As a mom of three kids I many times a day find myself thinking, I just need a moment, just one moment, of silence. Well, if you are a parent then you know that 99% of the time that does not happen but when it does happen, what is my first thought? "Oh no. It is too quiet. What are they doing?" Well, here is how the next few minutes go.
I walk down the hallway, inspecting each room as I go, finally I find the kids in the playroom or one of their bedrooms coloring on the walls. I say their names and they turn around and look at me with their eyes wide open like deer in the headlights, then at each other, then at me again. I ask, "What are you doing?" (You ever wonder why we ask the obvious questions? Haha! However, it is funny to hear the responses we get at times. Depending on the kids' moods I may get a straight answer and I may not. My 3 year old daughter in particular is very witty and too smart for her own good, so I never know what she will say. My son however usually gives me a straight answer.) They reply, "Coloring on the walls." Of course, Mom is not very happy about their actions but at the same time when I look back on those incidents did I ever wonder what was going on in their heads when they started their masterpiece? They have this giant canvas on which to create and so they do. They begin to create what could be looked at as maybe even a masterpiece in the making...
Of course I scrub the walls clean and give them "appropriate canvas paper" but then, in their words, they always reply, "this isn't bigger enough".
Just like the kids' "art", our lives and their lives are masterpieces in the making and the scary thing is, I as a mom have a huge influence on the outcome of the finished work.
Proverbs 22:6, "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."
Ephesians 2:10, "For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."
Markers, Messes and Beauty... As a mom of three kids I many times a day find myself thinking, I just need a moment, just one moment, of silence. Well, if you are a parent then you know that 99% of the time that does not happen but when it does happen, what is my first thought? "Oh no. It is too quiet. What are they doing?" Well, here is how the next few minutes go.
I walk down the hallway, inspecting each room as I go, finally I find the kids in the playroom or one of their bedrooms coloring on the walls. I say their names and they turn around and look at me with their eyes wide open like deer in the headlights, then at each other, then at me again. I ask, "What are you doing?" (You ever wonder why we ask the obvious questions? Haha! However, it is funny to hear the responses we get at times. Depending on the kids' moods I may get a straight answer and I may not. My 3 year old daughter in particular is very witty and too smart for her own good, so I never know what she will say. My son however usually gives me a straight answer.) They reply, "Coloring on the walls." Of course, Mom is not very happy about their actions but at the same time when I look back on those incidents did I ever wonder what was going on in their heads when they started their masterpiece? They have this giant canvas on which to create and so they do. They begin to create what could be looked at as maybe even a masterpiece in the making...
Of course I scrub the walls clean and give them "appropriate canvas paper" but then, in their words, they always reply, "this isn't bigger enough".
Just like the kids' "art", our lives and their lives are masterpieces in the making and the scary thing is, I as a mom have a huge influence on the outcome of the finished work.
Proverbs 22:6, "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."
Ephesians 2:10, "For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."
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